Our Mission

Our major focus remains the treatment of the complications of diabetes. While there is no known cure for diabetes at the moment, it is possible with the right medical and lifestyle regimen to halt and even reverse the complications of diabetes. Our treatments often involve IV infusions that are entirely non-invasive and are directly supervised by a medical doctor on site.

Other Services

We offer ancillary services to put and keep you on the path to wellness. From our initial consultation to your resulting therapy, we take the time to explain and educate you on what makes your body tick. Our mission at Metabolic Health Restoration is to fix your body’s processes from the inside out. To that end, we can direct you to make changes to your diet and lifestyle that will maintain the balance that your body was always meant to have. We will return your body to its natural state with our knowledge of the metabolic process and maintain your weight in a safe way.


The Study

You can enter our care through the “Why I can’t lose weight study”. For $30.00 we will draw a baseline thyroid panel and hemoglobin A1C, and run a respiratory exchange ratio, in order to screen you for the most common causes making it difficult to control your weight. This is not a moneymaker for us, but rather a service to the community. As you well know, fad diets and health trends of every stripe have offered advice on how to eliminate fat forever and to keep it off for good. And yet, every dietary gain is lost and the weight returns, and you find yourself right back at square one. The two biggest reasons we see for weight difficulties are borderline diabetes and borderline hypothyroidism.  We will be happy to point you in the correct direction to control your weight.

Body Contouring

We also offer body contouring. The original machine for this service was actually provided by a physician whom Dr. Adcock helped to control his own diabetes. The body contouring machine was accepted by Dr. Adcock to provide a “reward” for her diabetics who were controlling their lifestyles and, therefore, their diabetes. It is a fact that weight loss is not an altogether uniform or controllable process, and it has been a terrific psychological bonus to be able to eliminate the rolls, “batwings” and “handles” which are created as fat comes off the body. It has become apparent that this fat-blasting not only outright destroys the very liquid, sagging and jiggly subcutaneous fat but will cause a layer of firmness in the affected subdermal layer which is normally found in much younger skin. The procedure is painless, affordable, and most importantly, permanent.

Gift certificates for body contouring are available! Contact us for more information using the form below or by calling 318.698.8889.

Hormone Balancing

Dr. Adcock became interested in the interactions between hormones and health some twenty-five years ago due to her own health problems. And she discovered that there are no absolutely normal and optimal hormone levels, but a relationship that creates a balance to return you to a feeling of health.  Dr. Adcock can consult with you, run the necessary laboratory tests and educate you as to how you can feel “good” again.

Amino Acid Therapy

All the organs of the body are controlled by nerves and their neurotransmitter chemicals. The levels of chemical neurotransmitters are different in the various tissues and organs of your body. When the neurotransmitters are grossly abnormal, illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease and major depression are recognized. But there is still illness when the neurotransmitters are only modestly abnormal, causing such illnesses as irritable bowel syndrome, behavior disorders and mood disorders. Big Pharma markets transmitter analogs and enhancers which may very well keep the body from reaching normality.  Sometimes it may be more productive over the long term to give the body the precursor amino acids it needs to manufacture the neurotransmitters it feels it needs.

Amino Acid Therapy