All in Dr. Adcock's Blog Posts

National Diabetes Month

The irony that November is National Diabetes Month does not escape me.  The purpose is to make the public more aware of this insidious disease that is rising in epidemic proportions.  However, to put it in the month that Grandma’s recipes reign with the high glycemic index of pork fat, trans fats, sugar-loaded desserts, fried meats, and lots of alcohol somehow escapes reason.

Guidance to Better Health

Since the medical entitlement program MEDICARE was created in 1964, the cost of medicine in this country has escalated.  The government has assumed more and more control, with payer status in many communities greater than 70%.  From the elderly, government programs have moved to provide services to the disabled and disadvantaged.  The only way to contain the sky-rocketing costs is to control the medical community through networks of care-givers, establish a one-payer system, and ration care.