Metabolic Health Restoration

Beauty Through Physiology

2533 W Bert Kouns Industrial Loop #104
Shreveport, LA 71118

Guidance to Better Health

Guidance to Better Health

Since the medical entitlement program MEDICARE was created in 1964, the cost of medicine in this country has escalated.  The government has assumed more and more control, with payer status in many communities greater than 70%.  From the elderly, government programs have moved to provide services to the disabled and disadvantaged.  The only way to contain the sky-rocketing costs is to control the medical community through networks of care-givers, establish a one-payer system, and ration care. 

In order to obtain care, one must have a diagnosis of disease, now coded by the government.  If you do not have a disease, a fee cannot be rendered.  Therefore, true prevention does not exist in today’s system.  How does one charge for a disease you do not get?  There is much lip-service about prevention and education, but your physician just doesn’t get paid for the time and teaching it will take to keep you well.  Metabolic Health Restoration was established to provide guidance to better health through nutrition advice, healthy recipes, peer-reviewed medical literature, and general information to guide patients toward better life-style options that will avoid the most common chronic disease states.

The body’s metabolism is dependent upon certain nutrients in specific forms for the creation of proteins, fats, and carbohydrate blocks that lead to healing, growth, and cellular energy for all functions of the body.  These feats are accomplished via certain hormone activity, acid production, bacterial action, and enzyme function that speed nutrient creation/utilization in the cells of the body.  Certain diseases develop when these functions are altered, suppressed, and/or overwhelmed.  Having a healthy life-style minimizes the risks of malfunction and makes the body more tolerant to infection, trauma, or disease. 

Most disease starts with inflammatory proteins being produced that alert the body that there is a problem that needs immediate attention.  If inflammation continues, certain changes start to occur within the body.  The body’s natural defense mechanism is to produce the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol, a powerful steroid.  This steroid affects the brain, and other organ systems such as the heart, immune system, and endocrine system, to name a few.  Within the endocrine system are many other hormones such as thyroid and insulin.  Thyroid and insulin functions are known to affect metabolism and weight.  Insulin is necessary for normal carbohydrate utilization for energy production.  It is also necessary for fat storage and another stored energy called glycogen in the liver.  Cortisol interferes with many hormones, especially insulin.  As it becomes harder for insulin to overcome cortisol’s interference, resistance develops.

Insulin resistance is a common denominator for the creation/worsening of multiple disease states.  It is found in obesity, cancer, heart disease, dementia, and of course Type II diabetes.  These diseases will affect every family in America.  The purpose of this website is to educate you to what creates a bridge over everything you wish to avoid.

Ms. Smith’s Non-Killer Green Bean Casserole

Ms. Smith’s Non-Killer Green Bean Casserole